Visi :
Menjadi pusat pelatihan yang dapat menghasilkan tenaga – ahli NDT & ahli inspeksi, berkompetensi sesuai bidang keahliannya, dalam tingkat nasional maupun internasional
Misi :
- Mengenalkan dunia kerja NDT kepada para lulusan sekolah menengah atas (sederajat), kepada para lulusan sekolah yang lebih tinggi dan kepada para pekerja umumnya.
- Mengajarkan pengetahuan ilmu NDT dan ilmu inspeksi terkait lainnya, untuk memperoleh keahlian teknik yang dapat digunakan sebagai satu profesi dalam memasuki dunia kerja.
- Memberikan jalan kepada para pencari kerja, untuk memasuki dunia kerja NDT, sebagai salah satu bagian dari dunia kerja teknik di industri migas, petrokimia, pertambangan, konstruksi dan industri umum lainnya.
Obyektif :
- Membimbing peserta untuk menjadi tenaga ahli NDT & ahli inspeksi, yang dapat mengerti tentang tugas dan tanggung jawabnya.
- Melatih peserta untuk menjadi tenaga ahli NDT & ahli inspeksi, yang dapat mengerjakan tugasnya sesuai prosedur kerja & standar keberterimaan yang digunakan.
- Membentuk peserta untuk menjadi tenaga ahli NDT & ahli inspeksi yang dapat mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki, untuk menjadi tenaga ahli yang dapat diandalkan oleh perusahaan penggunanya.
Investing on skill
PT. KARSA KENCANA INDONESIA is a company that provide services on trainings such as SNT, exam preparatory for API, AWS, NACE, recruitment, equipment supply, NDT consultancy, Technical Testing and Inspection Services to the hydrocarbon/petrochemical industries, power plants and other general industries, in Indonesia and overseas.
PT. Karsa Kencana Indonesia is managed and supported by experienced professionals, with extensive experience in the required field and the company founders have actual hands on experience about the service offered, with history of work experience in and outside Indonesia.
Over 25 years of experience
PT. Karsa Kencana Indonesia consists of professional people who have been doing inspection work in hydrocarbon/petrochemical/power plant & other general industries, over the last 25 years.
We have experienced, integrated, multi-disciplinary team of experts trained as a totality that operate in concert.
Safety and Good Compliance
PT. Karsa Kencana Indonesia will conduct its activities to ensure it meets applicable statutory laws and client’s standards/procedures or guidelines. It is our HSSE commitment to ensure all possible steps will be taken to prevent incidents and create a safe and healthy environment to all employees.
In the drive to achieve a safe and productive work force with healthy work environment, it is the company policy to enforce strictly the matter with regards to prohibited items i.e. the use/possession/sale of drugs, alcohol and other illegal substance by all employees, whilst on company businesses/locations and on client locations or work sites.
Consistent Results
We do not give up when there is insufficient/inconsistent information or inadequate client involvement. Our proactive approach proves to be beneficial to our clients and helps get the project complete in spite of even the most unfavorable conditions such as with the common scenarios previously described. We always go the extra mile to deliver results.
We deliver optimum performance at a competitive price. We offer inspection services covering a wide variety of core and specialized sub-services that are vital to the success of our client’s projects.
Private Training System & Flexible Training Schedule
Our training system adopts a private class approach, so individual participant does not have to worry that the training course will not run due to inadequate number of participant.
With minimum of only 2 (two) participants, we can conduct the training.
Our training schedule is flexible.
We realize that not everyone have the same chance and time to attend the training at our office. On demand, we can conduct another session of training outside our fixed schedule – at your premise. This will require a minimum number of 6 participants, to run the course outside our training office.
End to End Solution
PT. Karsa Kencana Indonesia quality policy is to continually satisfy the expectation of the client. The primary objective is to provide professional services with effective and efficient strategies to the hydrocarbon/petrochemical industries, power plants & other general industries, by constantly monitoring, maintaining and improving the quality objectives set in company management system manual.
Continuous Improvement
As the new player in the industries, we open ourselves to others for mutually beneficial relationship while recognizing the need of being self independent and sufficient, to deliver deliver safe and quality products or services, to achieve client satisfaction.
Aware that customer satisfaction is of utmost priority, we will strive to provide the intended services above thoroughly and comprehensively, at reasonable and competitive cost.
Ada nilai plus tersendiri yang diberikan oleh k2i dalam pelatihannya, dalam memberi training sangat baik, bukan hanya tentang ndt saja tetapi pengetahuan lainnya yg diberikan seperti welding/coating & general inspection knowledge...berbagi pengalaman2 kerja yang pernah di hadapi di lapangan sangat membuka wawasan saya.
The course material and method of delivery from Tutor are very systematic and easy to understand. He answered every question I gave in detail, so that I could easily understand the subject given. From my point of view, Ardian Antarja is a very professional NDT Level III.
I am relatively new in the inspection world and NDT is a new thing for me . However, when I do my training in k2i, I can catch it easily, languages is not a barrier. In my opinion, they have what it takes to be called as professional training center.